Comments on: $59.624 Trillion (What Black People are Owed for Reparations for $5 Billion, Alex) Wizdom From The Hip Hop Generation Thu, 24 Sep 2020 02:01:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Journy Tue, 19 Sep 2017 23:11:04 +0000 In reply to Mrs. Bernie Madoff.

Woman it’s hard for any man to stay with a loud mouth masculine female.

By: Clay W. Sat, 19 Aug 2017 23:11:46 +0000 In reply to Mrs. Bernie Madoff.

You are out of your damn mind!!! You blame black men for actions of one man, so know you are telling black women to go outside of our race??? SMDH

I could feel same way due to my last relationship with a black woman, but I don’t!!! I still love black women, and I know my black queen is out there. We are our worse enemy.

By: admin Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:54:22 +0000 In reply to Sonsie.

Im confused here, are you saying that racism had nothing to do with slavery, Black or not, you’re dead wrong if thats the case. Slavery is the legacy of racist “white” men, rich and poor. How many European imperialistic non-white men were there throughout the history of slavery? You’ve been reading too many revisionist slave history books to even suggest that racist “white” men and European imperialist aren’t one in the same!

By: Sonsie Wed, 04 Jan 2017 09:32:07 +0000 I agree with the math almost everything else you said…. Until you started in with the racism shit. I understand that’s your opinion, but don’t forgot humans are easily susceptible to confirmative bias. I’m a black woman, so I know how easy it is to blame the ‘white’ man. The European imperialistic elites are to blame, they just happened to be white. Most of them didn’t think they were better cause they were born white, they thought they were better because they were born rich. Those who are born rich think poverty only affects those with moral deficiencies. Slaves being the lowest paid humans in history are naturally poor so as time went on the upper class made the connection that if all black people are poor, and poor people are incapable of morality…… You see where I’m going with this???

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By: admin Fri, 28 Oct 2016 00:26:17 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

So you agree that we should be paid something by someone, If the sellers have to pay then the buyers have to pay also, so I’m cool with getting more from them, thanks buddy!

By: Anonymous Tue, 25 Oct 2016 13:15:54 +0000 Tell you what. Go to Africa, find the descendants of the people who sold the slaves to the Europeans and Arabs in the first place. Make them pay back what they got in return for selling out their own kind and then use that to pay reparations.

By: admin Tue, 25 Oct 2016 00:18:41 +0000 In reply to Read more.

If you actually read what I posted, you’d realize that the 40 acres per person only came out to $400 and something billion dollars, the bulk of the money came from the free labor aspect of slavery!

By: A Great AliYah? | Followers of YAH Newsletter Thu, 06 Oct 2016 23:42:38 +0000 […] So how much to some think they are owed? One believes the reparations are in the trillions. […]

By: Read more Mon, 26 Sep 2016 17:49:10 +0000 You need to do a little more research it was 400,000 acres propose to be given to all the blacks in 1865 it was 40 acres per family not per person and you can even read the exact location hey coastal chunk of Florida Georgia and South Carolina it came to about 11 acres per person and they didn’t do it because it would’ve been horrible I would’ve met a lot of people having to move away from Alabama Tennessee North Carolina and all other states where they lived and be relocated to essentially a reservation where no whites were allowed ask the Cherokee nation how that worked out in Oklahoma total poverty
