Comments on: Still Serve and Protect! Wizdom From The Hip Hop Generation Thu, 24 Sep 2020 01:54:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rosie Lyons Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:42:49 +0000 I am sure you have heard the saying “Two wrongs don’t make a right”: God says to the whole of the human race: “Thou shalt not kill”. But let me speak of those who live by the law of man; instead of by the commandment of God. #1, The law harden the heart , thus making it easy to take the life of another human being; so should you want to see a change in the behavior of those who have sworn to serve and protect; you must change man’s law and replace it with God’s commandment.
#2, When it come to “black killing blacks” they are walking in disobedience unto the commandment of God; for they are to be their brother’s keeper and not their brother’s killer.
#3, We as the Negro race need to stop playing favoritism among our own race. We need to stop placing value just on the lives of the black’s killed by white hands, and place the value upon the lives of all black’s the same, regardless of the color of the killer hand.
Our biggest race problem is within our own race; for it is we who are making a difference among our own kind.
And as for racism (itself) there is not now, nor have there ever been racism in America. What we have is fear wearing the cloak of racism, in order to hide the truth.
Wake up my children; wake up; for this generation of white’s are living in the same atmosphere of deception. And this is because neither race desires to know the true cause of America’s racial problem.
Take it from one who knows; freedom comes from knowing the truth, and not just acting on what you have heard to be true. Thank God, I know the truth, therefore I am free; even my spirit is free! How sad it is that none of my people want to know this truth that I have known since 1994.
Your weapon for freedom is not by way of violence, neither by marching; but by way of the truth. Do you really want to be free?
