People Kill People!

First I’d like to say that my heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones in the senseless massacre that occurred in Newtown on Friday Dec 14th. May The Most High bless the remainder of your days and comfort you when those days become dark and you...

Interracial Relations

So all of a sudden football player RGIII, Robert Griffin the 3rd, has been thrown into the spotlight by well meaning ignoramuses, well I hope they are well meaning, who’ve asked the age old question! Is it ok to date interracially? Within the last couple days...

Beware, Cuffing Season Has Arrived

When the leaves start turning brown, the temperature starts to drop and men and women the world over realize that they don’t have a significant other to cuddle with during the colder months, you start to see post pop in your social feeds across the internet alluding...

Why I Hate Pit Bull Terriers

Last night, Sept 26 2012 a friend on Facebook posted a story in their feed about a Pit Bull attack that occurred in Texas. I’ve been meaning to write about Pits for a while and I decided to do it now, so here goes! Pit Bulls are like trained wild animals,...