Arguing With Atheist!

Isn’t it considered a Logical Fallacy that atheist Believe that they don’t use Straw Man Arguments, Confirmation Bias and Correlation without Causation when debating about Theism. Logic and Reasoning should rear its head and stop them short but they...

It’s Just Chicken!

Disclaimer: I don’t like Chick-Fil-A anyway! If you’re boycotting Chick-Fil-A because of the bigoted Christian views of its founder then you really need to get some better business in your life, seriously! I’ve seen so many people over the past week or so claim...

Church Tithing #BestHustleEver

After reading a post on FB this morning about Black Churches collecting $3 billion in tithes every Sunday I decided to do a little research. I already knew that Black Churches collect a lot of money on Sunday’s but $3 billion seemed a bit outlandish. After a quick...

Originally Sin?

The question here is; is Original Sin true or a false concept created by man? I see post all the time about Adam’s sin and it’s supposed to be the reason why death is in the world. Religious Christian zealots claim that because of the original sin of Adam eating from...