Interracial Relations

So all of a sudden football player RGIII, Robert Griffin the 3rd, has been thrown into the spotlight by well meaning ignoramuses, well I hope they are well meaning, who’ve asked the age old question! Is it ok to date interracially? Within the last couple days...

PumKash, in my Mama Jones Voice!

Are you kidding me, the name of the perfume she’s trying to pedal is PumKash, derived from the word she uses for pussy, I mean vagina, for you prudes, and cash money, with a “hip” spelling of the word cash. Not only does the name wreak of...

Beware, Cuffing Season Has Arrived

When the leaves start turning brown, the temperature starts to drop and men and women the world over realize that they don’t have a significant other to cuddle with during the colder months, you start to see post pop in your social feeds across the internet alluding...

X and the Youth

After watching a documentary about Peter Gatian and how the clubs he owned in New York and various other places were hotbeds for illicit drug sells, one particular part of it made me ask myself a question, and that question is; “Is the uptick in the use of Ecstasy (E,...

Colorism and Hollywood

Over the past few weeks Zoe Saldana has been thrust into the spotlight in a negative manner due to the fact that she was cast in a movie to play Nina Simone. Through no fault of her own, a debate is brewing across the web about how she (a light skinned mixed...