After reading a post on FB this morning about Black Churches collecting $3 billion in tithes every Sunday I decided to do a little research. I already knew that Black Churches collect a lot of money on Sunday’s but $3 billion seemed a bit outlandish. After a quick search I found that those numbers were way too high but came across more realistic numbers that are still high but far less than the $3 billion that I had read about earlier.

In one report I read that the Black Church has taken in upwards of $420 billion in revenue since 1980. 32 years $420 billion, that’s approximately $13.125 billion dollars a year which comes out to which comes down to $252.4 million dollars per week. Are you F’ing kidding me?

$252 million dollars per week is an astronomical figure. In 2011 the Black Church collected over $14 billion in tithes which is $875 million higher than average. So in these tough economic times we still find enough money to prop up these churches with almost a billion more in offerings.

Am I the only one that sees a problem with this? Am I the only one that thinks that this issue needs to addressed by the Black community as a whole? I doubt it so if you are reading this and think like I do, please pass this on.

Based on last year’s numbers of roughly $14 billion in collections, that breaks down to $269.2 million dollars per Sunday being pumped into the Black Church economy.

Where does it all go? Do churches need that type of money to operate?

If half of that money was being put back into the economic development of the African American communities that it came from, we’d be seeing nothing short of a new age renaissance. But unfortunately it’s being used for other purposes like:

-Church building funds, a legal way for the church to carry over unspent revenue into the new year to avoid IRS scrutiny.

-Pastor what’s his names new Bentley, because GOD, in my best T D Jakes voice, wants him to live like a king, because he’s doing GOD’s work, hallelujah!

-Into legal defense funds because PastTha Under Privileged Youth, likes to take young boys on “special faith building” vacations.

-Or into Clepto Dollars new G5, because the Almighty wants us all to be rich, so make him rich and GOD will miraculously make you rich.

But what people fail to see and understand is that, these dudes aren’t waiting for miracles to fund their lifestyles, they don’t have to pray day in and day out to make their ends meet. They’re getting rich off God, not from God! They get up and tell their congregation that it’s their duty to give 10% of their money to the church and God will give it back to them 10 fold, but the vast majority of people that do this week in and week out, never see this happen for them. Yeah every so often they might get lucky and get a few unexpected dollars, but for the most part they’re living from check to check in massive debt, waiting for a miracle.

$14 billion dollars can:

– buy 93,333 homes valued at $150,000

– pay for tuition up to $15,000 per year for 933,333 college kids or 1,866,666 @ $7500 per year

– feed every homeless person in America for a year

You get the picture right. We give that much money to “God” every single year and God never gives it back 10 fold, because if he did then there would be no poor Black people, so something is wrong with this assumption!

Oh wait, maybe I have to die to get it. That’s the best hustle on this planet; if you don’t get it here on earth, you’ll get it when you die and go to heaven. And it just so happens that not one person in the history of this planet has died, went to heaven, and came back to tell everybody that it’s true; when you die you get treasures in heaven. Even though the bible states that you need not material things in heaven, so um, what exactly am I supposed to get when I die? C’mon Mr. Preacher Man, tell me! You’re hell bent on having all the finer things in life while you’re here, not in heaven, but you keep your parishioners focused on the getting it in heaven so they won’t complain about the wealth that you are building for you and your family.

Here’s a question for you, why does GOD need money? Men need money to build bigger churches and buy lavish things to trick you into thinking that GOD favors them because they are preachers. It’s BS, everything that your pastor strives for, the one you call Jesus whose real name was Yashua, was against when it came down to being a man of GOD. If he came back tomorrow damn near every preacher in Christianity would get a quick trip to hell, and that’s what’s up. More to come on the Black Church later!