Comments on: Church Tithing #BestHustleEver Wizdom From The Hip Hop Generation Thu, 24 Sep 2020 02:00:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vic Sun, 25 Dec 2016 19:03:07 +0000 In reply to He whose name shall not be mentioned.

No way to do an accounting of the prostitutes but there are a lot of them out there. Sex sells every hour of every day…im just saying

By: Victor Wed, 26 Oct 2016 22:55:26 +0000 In reply to VictoriousOne.

It’s abuse no matter the scale. Stop taking money for projects and start investing in people.

By: Steven Dobbins Sun, 25 Sep 2016 01:57:34 +0000 Peace the Christian peachers @ pastors the greatest hustlers in the 🌎 not just our communities🔥👺⚡😮

By: Rosie Lyons Fri, 19 Feb 2016 05:01:18 +0000 Jesus said “Upon this rock I will build my church: and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. So I say unto you, today, there is no place for tithes in the Lord’s church. Tithes were used, by God, to teach the children of Israel the difference between a real God, and the false gods; which is why he said ” prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, If I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
Also tithes were under the law; but the Lords church is not under the law; but under grace and truth: meaning we are under the law of Christ. And since tithes are under the law, and Jesus is the fulfillment of the law: then when he uttered the words “it’s finished” he was closing the door on the old law and establishing a new law; in which there is no tithing. Therefore those who teach tithing and those who pay tithes are rejecting the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is also said that “the just shall live by faith”. And paying tithes is not faith, but under the law tithes was an obligation to be paid to the Levites for the upkeep of the Lord’s house. Jesus did not preach tithes, and neither did any of his apostles. Tithes is a deception by which many innocent souls are being deceived. It is a part of the pastor’s salary, and should be taxed. It is also taking advantage of the vulnerable who lack understanding, and who fear God.

By: admin Thu, 07 Jan 2016 04:23:57 +0000 In reply to Dedrick.

$14 billion annually, thats what was reported and I know that when you deal with cash, over 10% of whats reported is being skimmed off the top, but I digress. There are approximately 320,000 churches in this country, thats all churches not just black, so you should have did that research for you posted about there being a million black churches. But the real issue here isn’t how many churches, the issue is $14 billion annually that never goes back into our communities, as if we don’t need it. Even if half of the money is reinvested then thats a $7 billion dollar fund that can help create 100’s of thousands of businesses, and if you can’t see that then you’re blind!

By: admin Thu, 07 Jan 2016 04:12:11 +0000 In reply to Rob.

What I’m doing isn’t what this is about, I just chose to shed light on the $14 billion annually that the church siphons out of the community while asking the congregation to pray for money and miracles!

By: Rob Wed, 06 Jan 2016 04:35:59 +0000 To the person who did all this hard work researching and so forth tell us all what you are doing for the poor and the community etc. practice what you preach or shut up

By: Anonymous Tue, 05 Jan 2016 20:04:53 +0000 In reply to Alita McGinnis.

Tell us where one of those churches exist I’m waiting

By: Ty Tue, 05 Jan 2016 19:51:18 +0000 In reply to Charles Duran.

As for me and my house I’m gonna serve the Lord!

By: Dedrick Tue, 05 Jan 2016 13:13:22 +0000 Anyone can write an article with numbers that seem so astonishing that it blows minds. 420 BILLION hmmmph… since 1980… REALLY??? 35 year statistical span??… one might feel duped with language like “the black church”. Dont believe the hype. There are probably a million black churches in America. If thats the case… then each takes on an average of 420k annually. ( oh wait…! Thats 420k since 1980…. or14k per year! (See what i did there?) 

These churches vary in size, staff, and hence expenses. But they all have lights… water… insurances… and most some salary of staff… pastors… administrators… musicians. After its all said and done, THE BLACK CHURCH is oftentimes operating on shoestring budgets. 

Dont take a snapshot of a few megachurches and TV pastors and try to define the BLACK CHURCH with your those numbers and negativity. The bottom line is either you believe in GOD and His WORD… or not. 

It may seem like to you that the BLACK CHURCH is not doing anything… because you dont sup with those who the church helps. I personally know dozens of people who couldnt survive or function week to week, were it not for their local community churches. 

Give what you can… CHEERFULLY or keep ya lil nickels… because thats what they are , compared to God’s riches in Heaven. Real Christians aint tryna buy their way into heaven. Real Christians know that’s impossible… for that price has been paid. But i encourage you to get sooooo involved in trying to FIX any problem you believe exists that your work suffocates your negative, distorted view of reality. 

Either you are a part of the solution-or you’re a part of the problem. Its kinda like Heaven and hell. There is no “in-between”.
