The New Mass Incarceration Movement!
Over the last decade I started to understand that we, Black people, have been fighting battles in wars that we lost decades before.
Measures that we’re implemented in the 70’s gradually unfolded, until the 90’s ushered in the “tough on crime” Democrats. Then they delivered the fatal blow in 1994, in what is now commonly known as the infamous 1994 Crime Bill. The powers that be, had successfully won the War on Drugs.
Mass Incarceration was now the new supplier of Black bodies for the prison plantation system!
We didn’t know exactly why things were happening like they were back then, but what we did know was that the CIA had put the drugs on the streets, and it wasn’t until the 2000’s that we started to try to overturn parts of the 94 crime bill.
Then in the 2010’s we finally found out that Nixon literally started the War on Drugs as a War Against Black Men and our communities!
That’s when I came to the understanding that we were fighting battles, for Wars that had already been lost! They had started implementing policies decades before we began to fight back, therefore any victories we incurred we’re actually for naught.
The damage had already been done, the Black man had been ripped away from his family and the community!
So from the moment that I came to the revelation that we can’t win battles that should have been fought in the past, I had to shift my thinking, and I started to ask myself, what are they implementing behind closed doors nowadays that can successfully slow down Black Progress in the future?
And one of the answers is, the Coronavirus Relief Loan!
I caught this one in real time!
Really think about this; for some odd reason, (planning) the powers that be are allowing people to get massive loans without any safe guards in place. They’re doing this under the auspices of, real small businesses weren’t able to get money from the first round of relief funds because they had all the restrictions in place by the banks, so in order to get it to the people that really need it, let’s just give it to anyone that asks for it. No matter if they can prove they have a business with employees or not. Basically almost everyone qualifies!
Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, like a tsunami, we start to hear that people know how to get the new Coronavirus relief funds and you don’t even have to have proof of anything. Cats even charging from $1000 – $3500 to help people get it!
So right now, in impoverished Black communities across this nation, a new black market hustle has emerged, government loan fraud!
Do y’all really understand the implications of this! This can and will have long reaching reverberations because the powers that be are not going to just allow this to go unchecked.
The vast majority of y’all don’t even have a business, let alone employees! The powers that be, know that 98% of Black businesses don’t have employees, they’re sole proprietorships, and that’s in the business data!
So when they inevitably audit the loans, and then ask you for the documents to prove that your business existed and needed the funds, then what are you hoisin to do!?