I’m Just Trying to Survive

Chapter from Philosophical Street Chronic (I’m Just Trying to Survive!)  The number one driving force behind a man’s actions is survival. When faced with situations that can lead to life or death we will fight to the death to stay alive no matter what is trying to...

The Real Scandal

It's Thursday night in the US and Black women across the nation are gearing up to watch the season premiere of Scandal. For those not familiar, (those that have lived under a rock for the last few years) Scandal is a runaway hit show on ABC whose lead character is a...

Degrees and Toilet Tissue

Black women, please stop mentioning the fact that you're college educated when you whine on and on about there not being any good Black men in the dating pool for you. It serves no purpose, at all! The reason why is because we could give a flying crap about your...