You Say He’s Just a Friend!
From All Women Are Crazy!!! Women who are in serious relationships usually dread the female friends that some males have. They have this feeling because women don’t believe a man can have a female friend that he isn’t trying to have sex with. Although every woman...
You’re Already Rich, What About the Rest of Us!
I thought for sure that I had written something about Tavis Smiley's and Cornel West's ongoing crusade against The POTUS, Barack Obama. I searched through the blog and found nothing. Then realized that I had written so extensively on a FB friends post that I thought I...
People Kill People!
First I'd like to say that my heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones in the senseless massacre that occurred in Newtown on Friday Dec 14th. May The Most High bless the remainder of your days and comfort you when those days become dark and you don't feel...
Is Being Blacker than Black Necessary Nowadays
For those who are wondering, blacker than black comes from the movie CB4 starring Chris Rock, from the scene where Dead Mike does his own thing. In the song he just kept repeating that he was Black and Blacker than Black because he was Black, while standing in front...
Interracial Relations
So all of a sudden football player RGIII, Robert Griffin the 3rd, has been thrown into the spotlight by well meaning ignoramuses, well I hope they are well meaning, who've asked the age old question! Is it ok to date interracially? Within the last couple days I've...

The Divided States of America! Part II
Immediately after the election pundits on all news networks started screaming about how our nation was so divided and pointed to the red state, blue state map that has become ubiquitous in US politics. This map seeks to show how conservative or liberal each state is...
Forward =’s
Ok, the election is over, Barack has won a hard fought second term and he will be our President for 4 more years. Hooray for me, Hooray for America, Hooray for Black people the world over. Once again a Black man has proven that we as a race are capable of reaching for...
Bain Capital for President!
Does anyone else see what Romney is planning on doing if he gets in office? Take his tax plan for instance. It's been proven that the immediate result of it will be upwards of $4 pushing on $5 trillion dollars in additional debt. Absent of knowing how it will be...
PumKash, in my Mama Jones Voice!
Are you kidding me, the name of the perfume she's trying to pedal is PumKash, derived from the word she uses for pussy, I mean vagina, for you prudes, and cash money, with a "hip" spelling of the word cash. Not only does the name wreak of ratchetness, the description...
“Job Creator” or Greedy 1%’er
Over the past week this platinum grade asshole, (seen in the pic to your left) has been getting media attention because he, 1. Is trying to drum up attention for his wife's new reality show, and 2. He wants the world to know how much of a douche bag he really is....