Last night, Sept 26 2012 a friend on Facebook posted a story in their feed about a Pit Bull attack that occurred in Texas. I’ve been meaning to write about Pits for a while and I decided to do it now, so here goes!

Pit Bulls are like trained wild animals, they’ll do your stupid pet tricks for so long and then snap and maul  anybody close to it to death. We’ve seen so many, when animals attack videos over the years everybody knows how it goes. The trainer is standing there, doing what they’ve been doing for years with a particular animal, and all of a sudden, snap. The tamed wild animal has a moment of clarity and it proceeds to do what it was born to do, rip a less fortunate animal into shreds. The less fortunate animal being a human being in these cases.

You noticed that I said a moment of clarity, because when a wild animal has been domesticated it has been confused by the trainer/master to think that he, the trainer, is more powerful than the animal. In its moment of clarity, the wild animal realizes that it really has the upper hand and proceeds to freeing itself from bondage. It happens over and over again, to the point that they now have plenty of shows on TV that highlight these occurrences.

I put Pit Bulls in this category because when they snap, they don’t just bite you a little, they maul you, and they go for the kill. They don’t want to leave you alive. It’s been bred into them so much over the decades that it’s impossible to know which ones have the killer instinct. You only find out when you look up and the Pit has a child in its grasp and refuses to let go.

I know that Pit Bull lovers will say, “Other dogs bite more than Pits”, and that may be true, but other dogs don’t try to rip your limbs off or use you as a rag doll. They are the only dogs that will lock onto a person and won’t let go even while adults are beating it with sticks or pipes. They’ll hold on until the pain is so excruciating for them that they have to let go and if it doesn’t get to the point of death for them, they’ll hold on until whoever or whatever they have in their grip dies.

This is what has been bred into these dogs over decades. They  have went from a domesticated animal to a trained wild beast because ignorant dog fighters wanted the toughest of the tough, so they could win money in one of the most inhumane ways possible, dog fighting.

When a dog wasn’t that tough, they were made to be bait for tougher dogs and then they were put out to pastor, ask Michael Vick! The toughest ones were and are treated like stud horses; they mate the toughest most brutal females with the toughest most brutal males and then try to tell us that Pits are the best pets out of all dogs.

Yeah, they might be loyal as hell to their masters, but the masters children and yours and my children seem to be fair play to these beast. One of these days you all will wake up, but unfortunately it will probably be the day that you go into your kids bedroom and find your “nice lovable” Pit Bull Terrier ripping your kid from limb to limb.

And that my friends is why I hate Pit Bull Terriers!

There should be legislation in all 50 states that classify them as extremely dangerous weapons and all Pit Bull attacks should be treated as attempted murder and the charges can be levied against the owner of the dog, not just a fine, but a felony punishable by having to be mauled by a Pit Bull, lbvs. I know they will never do the mauling part, but at least give 10 years for a mauling and life for a death by mauling and then let’s see how many of you will want a Pit as a pet, I’m just saying!

Editors Note 10/11/12: A Rottweiler tried to maul a little girl the other day and it was caught on film, but it still doesn’t exonerate Pit Bulls from my initial statements. As a matter of fact Rottweilers tend to be the second dog on the list of maulings, not just biting people but mauling people!

And for those who keep calling me names and are angry about my opinon, I own a boxer, a big muscular dog that has some strong jaws but for some reason never mauls people, let alone to death. Here are some of the reasons I have my opinion! And these are just the ones caught on tape!